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Linia 223: Linia 223:
                 img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/5/5e/Labor_pts.png"
                 img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/5/5e/Labor_pts.png"
        img_job: {
            trader: ['d/dc', 'Fahrender Händler'],
            tailor: ['d/de', 'Schneider'],
            gunsmith: ['2/21', 'Büchsenmacher'],
            general: ['e/ef', 'Gemischwaren'],
            all: ['d/d1', 'Alle Arbeiten'],
         jobIcon: function(p, q) {
         jobIcon: function(p, q) {

Versiunea de la data 20 martie 2022 12:33

westui = {

   lang: {
       input_level: "Nivelul tău",
       input_search: "Caută",
       damages: "Daune",
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       level: "Nivel",
       unsalable: "Nevandabil",
       auction: "Licitabil",
       not_auction: "Nelicitabil",
       not_upgrade: "Nu poate fi îmbunătățit",
       upgrade: "Poate fi îmbunătățit",
       total: "Total",
       popup: {
           dmg: {

dmglvl: '


           skills: {

str: '

', mob: '

', dex: '

', cha: '

', con: '

', vig: '

', tou: '

', sta: '

', hea: '

', rid: '

', ref: '

', dod: '

', hid: '

', swi: '

', aim: '

', sho: '

', pit: '

', fin: '

', rep: '

', lea: '

', tac: '

', tra: '

', ani: '

', app: '


           fb: {

fbdef: '

', fboff: '

', fbres: '

', fbdefs: '

', fboffs: '

', fbdmgs: '


           special: {

xp: '

', money: '

', luck: '

', regen: '

', drop: '

', labor_pts: '

', spd: '

', pray: '


   config: {
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               name: "Dexteritate",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/thumb/0/0d/Dexterity.png/40px-Dexterity.png"
           cha: {
               name: "Carismă",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/thumb/c/c9/Charisma.png/40px-Charisma.png"
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               name: "Construcție",
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               name: "Vigoare",
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               name: "Rezistență",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/thumb/f/f8/Skill_Tough.png/40px-Skill_Tough.png"
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               name: "Perseverență",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/thumb/8/8d/Stamina.png/40px-Stamina.png"
           hea: {
               name: "Puncte de viață",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/thumb/9/94/Health.png/40px-Health.png"
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               name: "Călărie",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/thumb/7/78/Hbr.png/40px-Hbr.png"
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               name: "Reflex",
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           dod: {
               name: "Ferire",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/thumb/0/07/Skill_Dodge.png/40px-Skill_Dodge.png"
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               name: "Ascundere",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/thumb/9/97/Hiding.png/40px-Hiding.png"
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               name: "Înot",
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               name: "Țintire",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/thumb/5/53/Skill_Aim.png/40px-Skill_Aim.png"
           sho: {
               name: "Împușcare",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/thumb/7/73/Skill_Shot.png/40px-Skill_Shot.png"
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               name: "Pune capcane",
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               name: "Îndemânare motrică",
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               name: "Reparare",
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               name: "Conducere",
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               name: "Tactică",
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           tra: {
               name: "Comerț",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/thumb/f/f3/Skill_Trading.png/40px-Skill_Trading.png"
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               name: "Instinct pentru animale",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/thumb/9/9d/AnimalInstinct.png/40px-AnimalInstinct.png"
           app: {
               name: "Aspect",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/thumb/4/4c/Skill_Appearance.png/40px-Skill_Appearance.png"
           fbdef: {
               name: "Apărare (bonus pentru bătălie fort)",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/8/82/Set_Fb_defense.png"
           fboff: {
               name: "Atac (bonus pentru bătălie fort)",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/3/30/Set_Fb_offense.png"
           fbres: {
               name: "Rezistență (bonus pentru bătălie fort)",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/4/4b/Resistance.png"
           fbdefs: {
               name: "Apărare (bonus pentru sectorul bătăliei de fort)",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/1/1a/Set_Fb_defense_sec.png"
           fboffs: {
               name: "Atac (bonus pentru sectorul bătăliei de fort)",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/f/fe/Set_Fb_offense_sec.png"
           fbdmgs: {
               name: "Daune (bonus pentru sectorul bătăliei de fort)",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/b/b3/Damages_sector.png"
           xp: {
               name: "Experiență din munci, dueluri și bătălii pentru fort (%)",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/7/71/Set_xp.png"
           money: {
               name: "Bani din munci și dueluri (%)",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/d/df/Set_money.png"
           luck: {
               name: "Bonus de noroc",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/c/c1/Set_luck.png"
           regen: {
               name: "Regenerare",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/5/53/Regeneration.png"
           drop: {
               name: "Șanse",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/thumb/b/b8/Drop.png/40px-Drop.png"
           spd: {
               name: "Viteză",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/thumb/1/1a/QuarterHorse.png/40px-QuarterHorse.png"
           labor_pts: {
               name: "Puncte de muncă (toate muncile)",
               img: "https://wiki.the-west.net//images/5/5e/Labor_pts.png"
       img_job: {
           trader: ['d/dc', 'Fahrender Händler'],
           tailor: ['d/de', 'Schneider'],
           gunsmith: ['2/21', 'Büchsenmacher'],
           general: ['e/ef', 'Gemischwaren'],
           all: ['d/d1', 'Alle Arbeiten'],
       jobIcon: function(p, q) {
           var wip = this.img_job[p],
               ji = wip ? ['/images/' + wip[0] + '/Job_', wip[1] + (q || )] : [this.cdn + '/images/jobs/', q];
           ji[0] += p + '.png';
           return ji;
       sorting: {
           Strength: '{"str":1}',
           Mobility: '{"mob":1}',
           Dexterity: '{"dex":1}',
           Charisma: '{"cha":1}',
           Construction: '{"str":1,"con":1}',
           Vigor: '{"str":1,"vig":1}',
           Toughness: '{"str":1,"tou":1}',
           Stamina: '{"str":1,"sta":1}',
           "Health Points": '{"str":1,"hea":1}',
           "Horseback Riding": '{"mob":1,"rid":1}',
           Reflex: '{"mob":1,"ref":1}',
           Dodging: '{"mob":1,"dod":1}',
           Hiding: '{"mob":1,"hid":1}',
           Swimming: '{"mob":1,"swi":1}',
           Aiming: '{"dex":1,"aim":1}',
           Shooting: '{"dex":1,"sho":1}',
           "Setting traps": '{"dex":1,"pit":1}',
           "Fine Motor Skills": '{"dex":1,"fin":1}',
           Repairing: '{"dex":1,"rep":1}',
           Leadership: '{"cha":1,"lea":1}',
           Tactics: '{"cha":1,"tac":1}',
           Trading: '{"cha":1,"tra":1}',
           "Animal Instinct": '{"cha":1,"ani":1}',
           Appearance: '{"cha":1,"app":1}',
           "Labor points towards building": '{"str":3,"con":3,"dex":1,"rep":1,"cha":1,"lea":1}',
           "Experience from jobs, duels, and fort battles (%)": '{"xp":1}',
           "Money from jobs and duels (%)": '{"money":1}',
           "Increased Luck (%)": '{"luck":1}',
           "Regeneration (%)": '{"regen":1}',
           "Improved drop chance (%)": '{"drop":1}',
           "Speed (%)": '{"spd":1,"hspd":1,"mob":1,"rid":1}',
           "Average damage": '{"dmg_min":0.5,"dmg_max":0.5,"dmglvl":1}',
           "Maximum damage": '{"dmg_max":1,"dmglvl":1}',
           "Upgradeable items": '{"bool":true,"upg":1}',
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           "Not auctionable items": '{"bool":true,"auc":0}'
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s = '


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if (a >= 1 && a <= 5 && (n = !0, t.auc = !1), t.dmg_min && t.dmg_max && (n && (t.dmg_min += Math.round(Math.max(1, .1 * t.dmg_min * a)), t.dmg_max += Math.round(Math.max(1, .1 * t.dmg_max * a))), s += '

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") } if (t.textjob) {

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" } if (t.bonus) {

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" } if (t.jobs) {

s += '

'; for (p in t.jobs) if (p == 'req') { s += ''; } else { var ji = wc.jobIcon(p, t.jobs[p]); s += '';
s += '


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s += '



return s += '

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           extra_set_bonus: {}
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                           } var n = 0;
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var p = '


' + westui.lang.total + "
"; for (var i in westui.config.set_bonus) total.hasOwnProperty(i) && (p += '
<img src="' + westui.config.set_bonus[i].img + '">+' + total[i] + (-1 !== ["xp", "money", "luck", "spd", "regen", "drop"].indexOf(i) ? "%" : "") + '
' + westui.config.set_bonus[i].name + "
"); for (var i in westui.set_calc.bonus.extra_set_bonus) total.hasOwnProperty(i) && (p += '
<img src="' + westui.set_calc.bonus.extra_set_bonus[i].img + '">+' + total[i] + (-1 !== ["xp", "money", "luck", "spd", "regen", "drop"].indexOf(i) ? "%" : "") + '
' + westui.set_calc.bonus.extra_set_bonus[i].name + "
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                   $(this).is(":hidden") ? westui.set_calc.itemStatus[e][JSON.parse(t.attr("data-popup")).id] = !1 : westui.set_calc.itemStatus[e][JSON.parse(t.attr("data-popup")).id] = parseInt(t.attr("data-lvl"))
               }), westui.set_calc.calc()
       init: function() {
westui.set_calc.initEvents(), westui.set_calc.getData(), $("#mw-content-text").append('
'), 0 === $("#input_level").length && westui.set_calc.calc()
   sorting: {
       sortItems: function(t) {
           function e(e) {
               var i = JSON.parse($(e).attr("data-popup")),
                   a = $("#input_level input").val();
               a = a || 150;
               var s = -1 !== Object.keys(t).indexOf("id") || t.bool && !0 === t.bool,
                   n = 0;
               if (t.bool && !0 === t.bool)
                   for (var p in n = 1, t) "bool" !== p && i[p] !== t[p] && (n = 0);
                   for (var p in t) "id" === p ? n -= i[p] : (!i.lvl || i.lvl <= a) && i[p] && (i[p] < 0 ? n += Math.ceil(-i[p] * a) * t[p] : n += i[p] * t[p]);
$(e).attr("data-sort", n), 0 == n && $(e).hide(), 0 !== $(e).find(".number").length ? s ? $(e).find(".number").html("") : $(e).find(".number").html(n) : s || $(e).append('

' + n + "

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               $(this).find(".item_container").sort(function(t, i) {
                   return $(t).attr("data-sort") || e(t), $(i).attr("data-sort") || e(i), $(i).attr("data-sort") - $(t).attr("data-sort")
       init: function() {
           if (1 === $("div#sort_items").length) {
var t = "", $("div#sort_items").html(t), $("select#sort_items").on("change", function() {
   init: function() {
       westui.initPage(), westui.popup.init(), westui.config.enable_sorting && westui.sorting.init(), westui.config.enable_set_calc && 0 !== $(".infoSet").length && westui.set_calc.init()

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