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', fbdefs: '
+ #1 Apărare (Bonus pentru sectorul bătăliei pentru fort)#2
', fboffs: '
+ #1 Atac (Bonus pentru sectorul bătăliei pentru fort)#2
', fbdmgs: '
+ #1 Daune (Bonus pentru sectorul bătăliei pentru fort)#2
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xp: '
+ #1% Experiență la munci, dueluri și bătălii la fort#2
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+ #1% Bani de la munci și dueluri#2
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+ #1% spor de noroc#2
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+ #1% Regenerare#2
', drop: '
+ #1% Improved drop chance#2
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+ #1% Viteză#2
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'{"mob":1,"rid":1}', 'Reflex': '{"mob":1,"ref":1}', 'Ferire': '{"mob":1,"dod":1}', 'Ascundere': '{"mob":1,"hid":1}', 'Înot': '{"mob":1,"swi":1}', 'Țintire': '{"dex":1,"aim":1}', 'Împușcare': '{"dex":1,"sho":1}', 'Pune capcane': '{"dex":1,"pit":1}', 'Îndemânare motrică': '{"dex":1,"fin":1}', 'Reparare': '{"dex":1,"rep":1}', 'Conducere': '{"cha":1,"lea":1}', 'Tactică': '{"cha":1,"tac":1}', 'Comerț': '{"cha":1,"tra":1}', 'Instinct pentru animale': '{"cha":1,"ani":1}', 'Aspect': '{"cha":1,"app":1}', 'Puncte de muncă pentru construire': '{"str":3,"con":3,"dex":1,"rep":1,"cha":1,"lea":1}', 'Experiență de la munci, dueluri și bătălii de fort (%)': '{"xp":1}', 'Bani de la munci și dueluri (%)': '{"money":1}', 'Increased Luck (%)': '{"luck":1}', 'Regenerare (%)': '{"regen":1}', 'Spor de noroc (%)': '{"drop":1}', 'Viteză (%)': '{"spd":1,"hspd":1,"mob":1,"rid":1}', 'Daună medie': '{"dmg_min":0.5,"dmg_max":0.5,"dmglvl":1}', 'Daună maximă': '{"dmg_max":1,"dmglvl":1}', 'Iteme upgradabile': '{"bool":true,"upg":1}', 'Nu poate fi upgradat': '{"bool":true,"upg":0}', 'Licitabil': '{"bool":true,"auc":1}', 'Nevandabil': '{"bool":true,"auc":0}' } }, initPage: function() { //Append input level if ($("#input_level").length === 1) { var input_level = $('<input type="number" style="width:80px;" class="west" placeholder="' + westui.lang.input_level + '" min="0" max="150">').bind("propertychange keyup input paste", function() { if (this.value > 150) { this.value = 150; } else if (this.value < 0) { this.value = 0; } $(".calc").each(function() { if (input_level.val() == 0) { $(this).html(this.id); $('.per_level_off').addClass('per_level').removeClass('per_level_off'); } else { $(this).html(Math.ceil(Number(this.id) * input_level.val())); $('.per_level').addClass('per_level_off').removeClass('per_level'); } }); }).appendTo($("#input_level")); }
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' + westui.config.set_bonus[key].name + ' } } for (var key in westui.set_calc.bonus.extra_set_bonus) { if (total.hasOwnProperty(key)) {html += ' <img src="' + westui.set_calc.bonus.extra_set_bonus[key].img + '">+' + total[key] + (['xp', 'money', 'luck', 'spd', 'regen', 'drop'].indexOf(key) !== -1 ? "%" : "") + ' ';
' + westui.set_calc.bonus.extra_set_bonus[key].name + ' } } //Display the result at the bottom of the page $('#set_calc').html(html); } else { $('#set_calc').html(""); } }, initEvents: function() { //Deactivate / activate item on click $('.item_container > img').on('click', function() { var item_container = $(this).closest('.item_container'); item_container.toggleClass('item_off'); var set_id = item_container.closest('.set_container').attr('data-set-id'); var item_id = JSON.parse(item_container.attr('data-popup')).id; if (item_container.hasClass('item_off') || item_container.is(":hidden")) { westui.set_calc.itemStatus[set_id][item_id] = false; } else { westui.set_calc.itemStatus[set_id][item_id] = parseInt(item_container.attr('data-lvl')); } westui.set_calc.calc(); }); //Update item level on upgrade / downgrade $(document).on('click', '.upgrade, .downgrade', function() { var item = $(this).closest('.item_container'); var set_id = item.closest('.set_container').attr('data-set-id'); if (!item.hasClass('item_off') && !item.is(":hidden")) { westui.set_calc.itemStatus[set_id][JSON.parse(item.attr('data-popup')).id] = parseInt(item.attr('data-lvl')); westui.set_calc.calc(); } }); //Calc again when player level changes $("#input_level").bind("propertychange keyup input paste", function() { westui.set_calc.calc(); }); //Activate/deactivate melee/fire weapon when the switch btn is clicked $("#switch").on('click', function() { $('#melee, #fire').each(function() { var item = $(this).find('.item_container'); var set_id = $(this).closest('.set_container').attr('data-set-id'); if ($(this).is(":hidden")) { westui.set_calc.itemStatus[set_id][JSON.parse(item.attr('data-popup')).id] = false; } else { westui.set_calc.itemStatus[set_id][JSON.parse(item.attr('data-popup')).id] = parseInt(item.attr('data-lvl')); } }); westui.set_calc.calc(); }); }, init: function() { westui.set_calc.initEvents(); westui.set_calc.getData();$('#mw-content-text').append(''); if ($('#input_level').length === 0) westui.set_calc.calc(); } }, sorting: { sortItems: function(param) { $('.item_container').removeAttr('data-sort').show(); function calcSortVal(el) { var data = JSON.parse($(el).attr('data-popup')); var char_lvl = $('#input_level input').val(); char_lvl = (char_lvl ? char_lvl : 150); var none = (Object.keys(param).indexOf('id') !== -1 || (param.bool && param.bool === true)); var val = 0; if (param.bool && param.bool === true) { val = 1; for (var prop in param) { if (prop !== "bool" && data[prop] !== param[prop]) { val = 0; } } } else { for (var prop in param) { if (prop === "id") { val -= data[prop]; } else if ((!data.lvl || data.lvl <= char_lvl)) { if (data[prop]) { if (data[prop] < 0) { val += Math.ceil(-data[prop] * char_lvl) * param[prop]; } else { val += data[prop] * param[prop]; } } } } } $(el).attr('data-sort', val); if (val == 0) { $(el).hide(); } if ($(el).find('.number').length !== 0) { if (none) { $(el).find('.number').html(); } else { $(el).find('.number').html(val); } } else if (!none) {$(el).append(' ' + val + ' ');} } $('#mw-content-text').find('.sorting_hidden').hide(); $('.sorting_container').each(function() { $(this).find('.item_container').sort(function(a, b) { if (!$(a).attr('data-sort')) { calcSortVal(a); } if (!$(b).attr('data-sort')) { calcSortVal(b); } return $(b).attr('data-sort') - $(a).attr('data-sort'); }).appendTo($(this)); }) }, init: function() { if ($('div#sort_items').length === 1) {var html = " <select id='sort_items' class='west'><option selected disabled>Order by :</option>";
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